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Monday, April 30, 2012


Everyday you learn something new.
Reflection                                                                            Zephyr Smith

I am very proud to say that we finally finished our graffiti intervention in time for the celebration. I think it was very successful, but there is a lot more to this project then just the cleanup. We have done so much, not all of it was perfectly efficient, but it was very successful.

We began this project a few months ago. We started off very slow, spending most of our time in class talking about what we were going to do but not really doing it. Those first few weeks were spent finding an idea, thinking about it, changing it, and then changing it back to the way we had first thought of it. We didn’t really act we just planned. It ran us way behind schedule for the whole duration of the project. The whole time it seemed like we were a week behind everyone else. We began the process of building our website, designing a flier, and meeting our contact. We caught back up, but then our meeting with our contact gave us a huge change in our project. All along we had been working with the wrong idea. Instead of working against graffiti we should have been working with art. We had to reverse a lot of previous work. It was hard but it made our project better in the end. From there we had to add finishing touches to our poster and website. We then planned our cleanup. Unfortunately we had to reschedule several times due to communications issues. We finally had our clean up witch went very well.

Our project seemed very good overall. We had a very successful clean up and when we finished we all felt as if we had done something. To me we made a huge difference in  our community, witch was the goal of our projects. I also learned how to manage people in a group, witch is probably a pretty valuable life skill. We educated the community as well as helping it. In the end it was a very successful project.

"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

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