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Monday, November 14, 2011


VEveryday you learn something new. Have you ever heard of graphene? Graphene is made from graphie, a common element in pencils. It becomes graphite when it is 1 atom thick. Graphene is now being used in the making of electronic components. My 7th grade science teacher said that "with the use of graphine we can make Ipads that are paper thin. Graphene is useful in making electronic components like sensors, transistors, and cases. IBM has already made a 10ghz radio mixer using it. Graphene is also very strong. It is said to be over 200x stronger than steel. It could be used to and.planes. Its flexibility will also help in the making of vehicles. The only problem is that it is extremely light. This could be a problem in the production of cars and planes. I wonder where graphene will take us. It seems almost too Good to be true. Its hard to imagine something so thin being so strong but it is. What will be next? 
"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown