Everyday you learn something new. I always heard a lot of bad things about Obama and his policies, like how it is changing healthcare and making it difficult, but I never actually researched it myself until I was affected firsthand. I had had insurance through a standalone company and the policy was started about 7 years ago. The plan was dropped and now I am looking to get insurance, but I cant. Obamacare requires that standalone insurance companies must accept policies without exceptions for children under 18. Due to this most companies no longer offer insurance to kids. The objective of the policy was to make sure all Americans have healthcare. Now it is doing the opposite. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. I think people in power should put a lot more thought behind their decisions before passing laws that may not work. The fact that this happened proves that there should be some other system.
Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown
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