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Thursday, December 22, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. Tomorrow is a big day. I take our Algebra 1-2 1st semester final exam. I'm pretty confident in my abilities to get a good score so I'm not very worried. Based on an average of my test scores I think I will end up with a high A. I worry more about our class average. It seems like as a class we are not doing too well. I hope we don't have half the class bomb the Final and make the class look bad. It has happened before with us on tests. Our class goal is to have everyone get an 85% or higher. We haven't had it happen yet. Hopefully this one will be better.        

"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. I always heard a lot of bad things about Obama and his policies, like how it is changing healthcare and making it difficult, but I never actually researched it myself until I was affected firsthand. I had had insurance through a standalone company and the policy was started about 7 years ago. The plan was dropped and now I am looking to get insurance, but I cant. Obamacare requires that standalone insurance companies must accept policies without exceptions for children under 18. Due to this most companies no longer offer insurance to kids. The objective of the policy was to make sure all Americans have healthcare. Now it is doing the opposite. I'm sure I'm not the only one out there. I think people in power should put a lot more thought behind their decisions before passing laws that may not work. The fact that this happened proves that there should be some other system.   

Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Thursday, December 15, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. As I posted in an previous blog I am holding a Media Arts Contest for STEM. So far it isn't working out. When we publicized the project we expected to have some entries. So far we have 0. We are also having a problem with publicizing it. We have posted flyers around the school that have been vandalized. We gave some to the teachers and they haven't passed them out. We expected this contest to go so much better. We learned that if we want something done we have to do it ourselves, and apparently there is no media arts in this school.       
"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Tuesday, December 13, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. Change. Many people are looking for change. The man in the video was looking for change. He caused change. With $1.20 one man helped so many people. He warmed a cold woman with coffee. He helped a jobless woman with the presence of a coin. He used a dime to help save a boy from cancer, receiving a rose. He used the rose to save a man's relationship. He used some matches to warm the night of multiple homeless people. He used his Quarter to get a girl home. The video showed us so many things. It showed us how much so little can do. It showed us how things aren't always what they seem. I wonder what I could do to make that kind of change. I would be happy to give a little to see that much good change happen. I've always thought that kind of change required more than a little bit of money. For example millions of dollars a year go into cancer, and we don't seem to be closer to a cure. Maybe a little can go a long way, if you do it right.        
"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Monday, December 12, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. I always found it weird that everyone is always extremely giving around Christmas. You always see people doing charities and giving things out to the less fortunate around Christmas. The Salvation Army is extremely active. Its good to see people doing that kind of thing, but shouldn't we always do that? What is it about Christmas that makes people so giving? This morning on the radio I listened to people in need being given 1000$ Visa gift cards. I enjoy hearing the giving that happens, even in times like this. 
"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. Today I got my grades for my presentation, witch came out well. I had thought my presentation might not be too great but it was. I'm in a bit of a battle over my research paper scores, but I hope I can explain what is going through my head. I don't mean any offense to anybody or the class when I say these things, my objective is to learn what I did wrong for next time, attempt to raise my score as much as I can (because I felt I deserved higher), and find the real purpose of doing this, because based on the information I am receiving it is not what I thought it was. I may be wrong and wasting everybody's time.   
"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. Today I finally presented my project. I really don't know how I did, but I think my presentation was pretty good. I've never really been good with presentations and I didn't read the rubric enough because there were parts I forgot. It seemed like I did well compared to the other presentations that went up and I probably did ok because I was brave enough to go first. I also got to look at the scores for my research paper, witch I found a bit wrong. I spent a lot of time and did a lot of work on that paper and i got a B. According to what Mrs. Schwarting said in class if we address all the problems we should have an A. I did over 120 edits between my peer and my teacher. My rubric says that I didn't use enough sources when I had about 5 sources that were cited, 2 of which were videos and about 12 in my reference page. I'm not suprised that i might have had a few APA formatting errors, but I did feel there weren't organizational problems within my paper. I personally feel my paper was of the quality to get a higher grade then I received.  

"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown

Monday, December 5, 2011


Everyday you learn something new. Today in language arts we watched another TEDx video. This time it was about an 11 year old working on getting people to eat organic food. His idea was great and he had a good thing but the problem is that it isn't realistic. There is a reason that everybody gets food at Fry's and Walmart. If you were to always shop at neighborhood markets you would spend a lot more on you're food. They also have food more readily available, you wouldn't have to fight the seasons. Also organic food isn't readily available in some places. If you go to a farmers market in Arizona you would find mainly meat. There aren't enough vegetables grown here as opposed to New York where there are all the Farmers markets are full of fresh vegetables. Unfortunately modern society doesn't allow us to have fresh everything. It's just not realistic.  

"Shoot for the Moon, even if you miss, you'll land among the Stars" - Les Brown